Building plans
My models with construction plans and instructions for rebuilding!
All content and materials on this website, unless otherwise noted, are licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Despite careful control and verification, I assume no responsibility for the correctness and
completeness of the construction plans and instructions.
The construction and operation is at YOUR OWN RISK!
3d printed models
- Hotliner-Style
- Wingspan: 1700 mm
- Aerobatic glider
- Fits in every car-trunc
- Wingspan: 1200 mm
Aerobatic glider
with EDF-drive - Fits in every car-trunc
- Wingspan: 1200 mm
- Mini RC-glider
- Take-off weight: < 100 g
- Wingspan: 900 mm
Console for
handheld transmitters -
adjustable to your
own preferences